luni, 20 noiembrie 2017

The Mathematics Matter That Revolted The Internet: How Much Do 7-5 + 2 =?

The Mathematics Matter That Revolted The Internet: How Much Do 7-5 + 2 =?

A simple question of mathematics has glowed the internet and divided "mathematicians" into two camps. How much do 7-5 + 2 =?
The simple matter of math has sparked a lot of reactions on Facebook, where hundreds of people have fought in solving the exercise, offering, in addition to an answer and a more or less ... logical explanation.
However, the answer to our question: how much do 7-5 + 2 is 4. This is because, in the case of exercises in which operations of the same order (only meetings and / or decreases or only multiplications and / or divisions) occur perform in the order in which they are written, as in the following examples:
Example: 7-5 + 2 = 2 + 2 = 4.
We performed 7-5 = 2 then 2 + 2 = 4.
Five first-class problems, too difficult for children. Teaching methods offered by a teacher The proposed problems do not seem to be difficult if presented to an adult person.